Bailey House Auction
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Ali Forney Luscious
Broadway Impact
Communion Art
Compass at Halo
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Garden Party 2010
GLAAD Out Auction
GLWD Day of the Dead
Hetrick-Martin Awards
Join The Impact
Kips Bay Show House
Live Out Loud Gala
MGLFF Benefit
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Janice Dickinson
Jennifer Holliday
Joe Gauthreaux
Jonathan Peters
Junior Vasquez
Rauhofer Nissim
Sin Morera
Tony Moran
Love Is In The Air
The Garden Party
Musto Celebrates 25
Black Party XXXI
Miss'd America Pageant
Voodoo Purgatorio
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Save Dade Halloween
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Alegria Pride
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Masterbeat Release
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Election 08
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Key West Chicken Scratch
Latino Press Awards
Our Anniversary
St. John the Divine
Join the Impact:  Fight the Hate
City Hall, Main Street, USA
by Mark Thompson & Robert Doyle
November 15, 2008
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We came, we chanted, we cheered, we danced—and if we didn’t completely conquer, we opened some minds and kept the dialogue alive.  We are here; we are queer—and we’re not going away.  We’re LGBT Americans fighting for our rights.  And in front of more than 300 city halls all across the United States and around the globe, we stood together as one—all of us a multi-colored manifestation of the Latin phrase that decorates our dollars: E Pluribus Unum—Out of many, one.  We are one nation, from many colors—and as LGBT Americans, we are all united together.

In Miami Beach, there were more than 600 of us—on a splendidly sunny day, with the Mayor in attendance, bearing a sign that read LOVE NOT HATE.  There were students and fathers, Catholic girls and straight chicks, fashion queens and activists, dog-owners and mothers, sisters and cousins—people of all colors.  One lesbian, with her partner of thirteen years, addressed the crowd, saying, “I am from Spain where gay marriage is legal.”  The crowd cheered wildly.  “It was not easy,” she continued.  Think about it: from the ashes of Franco’s authoritarian regime rose a progressive democracy, enabling gay marriage.  Here in the US, we are finally emerging from being Bushwhacked for eight years.  If it can happen in Spain…

There was one lone dissenting voice, from the religious right, bearing a placard with a Biblical verse.  Not the one from Book of Ephesians, mind you—the verse that advocates slavery (Ephesians 6:5-8.  Funny how you never see that verse from the religious right when they’re picketing those of us who preach the love. 

All around the nation, we were out in force--4,000 in New York, 12,000 in LA, 10,000 in San Francisco, and 25,000 in San Diego—reminding the populace of who we are—and why we matter.  We are your neighbors, your family, your children, your teachers.  We are your fellow Americans. 

At day’s end, the question arose: What next?  And now what?  Well, for one thing, keep talking.  Make sure your friends and family know—who you are and why you matter and how your civil rights are important—for the betterment of society. 

Next on the calendar, there’s Day Without a Gay on December 10th—a date that also happens to be International Human Rights Day.  Hello?  Get the connection?  The proponents of this movement are proposing that all of us as LGBT Americans think about calling in “gay” to work—and instead, donate our time to service.  Check out their website:

Think about it.  Who better than those of us who know so much about love to help organizations in need of our compassion?  Click here for a list of volunteer opportunities.

And also, in the event that you’re interested in boycotting those who support hate and intolerance, here’s a link to the list of those who financially supported Proposition 8:

And as for those Mormons who supplied $40 million to pass Proposition 8, here’s a link to some of the wealthiest:

Boycott or not, from now on, forever and ever, let’s keep talking—to everyone we know.  Let them know how we feel about having our civil liberties denied us—and let’s try and get them to understand—it’s all about love.  Plain and simple, it’s about love.


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