In the chill of winter, in the throes of
adolescence, you might’ve licked an
icicle that you broke from a window -
and the taste was like cold metal,
reminding you of when you’d licked the
jungle gym, just to see if your tongue
would stick to the frozen steel, just to
see if it would draw blood in winter and
if your blood would freeze.
Blood Concept fragrances provoke such
reveries, not only for their
subliminally suggestive advertising, but
also because of the brilliance of the
packaging. The four unisex perfumes are
labeled by blood type, from O to A, B,
and AB - and sold in gleaming silver
antique medicine bottles with red-lined
droppers. The concept is deliberately
inflammatory - and immediately evocative
of a medical spa, where someone like
Keith Richards might get his blood
Established by Giovanni Castelli and
Antonio Zuddas, Blood Concept’s
fragrances each end with a metallic
basenote, meant to convey blood’s
essence, our own mineral content.
Perfume AB opens like asphalt in spring
rain, a hint of something citrus on the
air as you sit in the middle of your
macadam driveway, waiting for something
to happen. Sipping from a can of Fresca,
you can taste the aluminum as much as
the lemon-lime tang - and as you lie
down completely on the driveway, you
mouth open to the rain, you’re thinking
about what happened in wood shop, the
last period of the school day. There was
sawdust on the floor.
Perfume AB is the scent of adolescence,
when hormones and pheromones are all and
everything - and blood flows with
greater intensity than ever before: to
the groin, to the heart, to the head.
On the driveway, you turn your head,
eyeing a cedar wood chip from the mulch
your father spread along the hedgerow.
But it’s your teacher that you’re
thinking about - and the chalk on the
blackboard, writing his name, without
him knowing.
You don’t yet know the word "iconoclast"
- but already you are one.
PRICE: $180 / 40 ml EDP,
w/fragrance dropper
Blood Concept AB Parfum |